In the last few hours, Lacalle participated in an opening ceremony for new polyclinic services in Las Piedras. There he mentioned the installation of fiber optics by the administrations of the Broad Front.
“The past government and the previous one put fiber in Pocitos, Buceo, Malvín and Punta del Este. Where is this government going to put it? In Casavalle”, expressed Lacalle Pou.
But the declarations of the head of government did not sit well with the departmental hierarch of the capital.
Cosse used his Twitter social network to state that Lacalle Pou “is at least uninformed.”
an extensive list
He also said that, “as the homes of: Pueblo Victoria, Manga, Cordón, Palermo, Lezica, Conciliación, Los Bulevares, Tres Ombúes, Parque Batlle, Nuevo París, Carrasco Norte, Maroñas, Flor de Maroñas, Punta de Rieles , Bella Italia, among many others”, the fiber optic service was installed there.
The current mayor, former Minister of Industry and former president of ANTEL also detailed the cities and towns in the interior in which the FA replaced copper wiring with fiber optics: “Dolores, Young, Juan Lacaze, Punta del Este, Las Toscas, Parque del Plata, City of the Coast, La Paloma, La Pedrera, Santa Lucía, Sauce, Pando, Las Piedras, La Paz, Progreso, Salinas, Rosario, Nueva Helvecia, Guichón, San Carlos, Paso de los Toros, Río Branco, Lascano, Libertad, Carmelo, Tarariras, Piriápolis, Neptunia”.
For its part, the Single Telecommunications Union (SUTEL) issued a statement asking President Lacalle Pou to be well informed.