On Wednesday (16), the Correios auctioned more than 175,000 items classified as refuse. This occurs when a postal object undergoes several delivery attempts, is not sought by the recipient or the sender, and the period for claiming the right expires, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Code.
There will be seven lots, which include garments, household items, office supplies, vehicle accessories, jewelry, books and children’s items.
To participate in the auction, you must register on the Licitações-e platform of Banco do Brasil. Proposals, from individuals or legal entities, must be sent electronically. The dispute is online.
All information is available in Notice nº 967.867 and also in the Post Office Tender page?? The initial values of the lots range from R$ 12,250.81 to R$ 300,593.26.
It is possible to visit batch samples by scheduling an appointment by calling (11) 4313-9452. The visitation ends today (14th), at 6 pm, at Rua Mergenthaler, 592, in the Vila Leopoldina neighborhood, in São Paulo.
According to Correios, the way in which goods are made available was defined in a corporate standard, following indications contained in laws 6538/78 (Postal Law), 13303/16 (State Companies Law) and 12305/2010 (Solid Waste Law).