The diversity of interests with the new composition of Brics, which has the participation of nine more countries as of this year, does not threaten the bloc’s common interests. On the contrary, according to ambassador Eduardo Saboia, Brazil’s sherpa at Brics, responsible for coordination between the countries. “The convergences are above the divergences”, said the diplomat in an interview with Brazil Agency.
Now, in 2025, Brazil has assumed the rotating presidency of the BRICS for the fourth time amid the bloc’s expansion. This year, it will have at least nine new members (Cuba, Bolivia, Indonesia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Thailand, Uganda and Uzbekistan).
Created in 2009, Brics originally brought together, in addition to Brazil, China, India and Russia. South Africa was the fifth country to join, in 2011, and, last year, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia (unofficially) had already joined. In the new Brazilian presidency, one objective is to promote sustainable development.
In the agenda of priorities, the ambassador mentions the promotion of inclusive and responsible governance for artificial intelligence. Another focus is on the need to jointly combat climate change and the need for resources. “The issue of financing is a consensus that, if you want to promote mitigation, you need to pay”, pointed out the ambassador.
Eduardo Saboia also draws attention to actions in relation to health and inequalities in a bloc with countries with different realities, but which can cooperate. Check out the interview below
Brazil Agency – Firstly, could you assess how the extended Brics impacts the group’s profile?
Ambassador Eduardo Saboia – It’s a Brics with more members than we were used to. This expansion took place in 2024. We have already had a year with five member countries, in addition to the original countries. In short, they are all very representative countries of the global south. We worked very well during the Russian presidency and we will continue to work very well under the Brazilian presidency.
What we will have in the Brazilian presidency is that, in addition to these new members who joined in 2024, we will have partner countries, a modality that was recently approved. We will even discuss how these countries will be engaged in Brics activities.
Brazil Agency – Among the priorities of the Brazilian presidency is concern with technological advances. I would like to know what role Brics plays in regulating both artificial intelligence and social networks in this very diverse group of countries?
Ambassador Eduardo Saboia – I think all countries are dealing with this challenge of this disruptive technology. There needs to be a collective reflection. It occurs in Brazil. We even have this discussion in Congress, but it also occurs within the scope of the United Nations and it is natural for countries the size of the BRICS to discuss the perspective of the Global South, which is the best governance that meets our concerns.
The concerns of the developing world are concerns related to participation in technological advancement, issues linked to inequality. We may have differences in the Brics, different political systems, but there is a great convergence of visions, especially in terms of development.
Brazil Agency – Still in relation to an agenda of priorities, this very diverse group of countries, how do you see the challenge in relation to combating climate change. There are different interests too. How do you think about this issue?
Ambassador Eduardo Saboia – I think they are developing countries that have been working together for some years. Convergences are above divergences.
Any solution to combat climate change must involve the BRICS countries. So, it’s good for them to talk. There will be points where they will not agree, but there are many elements of convergence.
The financing issue is a consensus (in relation to combating climate change) that, if you want to promote mitigation, you need to pay.
Developing countries need help. There are different responsibilities.
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Brazil Agency – Are there discussions about a basket of currencies for the group, for example the possibility of replacing the dollar in transactions?
Ambassador Eduardo Saboia – Nobody is talking about a basket of currencies or the Brics currency.
What exists is very serious work, based on studies, closely monitored by the Ministries of Finance and central banks in discussing means of payment and the use of local currencies. Everything aims to increase trade, increase investment flows between countries, generate prosperity, income, employment and development.
Brazil Agency – In relation to combating social inequalities, does this theme unite all these countries?
Ambassador Eduardo Saboia – Yes, I think you have different profiles. There are countries that have achieved incredible transformation.
To lift millions of people out of poverty, including Brazil. But there is a lot to be done in this area
One area that I find interesting is health. You have certain diseases, tuberculosis is an example, that affect countries very intensely.
These are areas in which there is naturally a vocation for collaboration, research in networks of specialists and health surveillance agencies.
Brazil Agency – Regarding the health issue that you mentioned, are there concentrated efforts, for example, for vaccine production and research?
Ambassador Eduardo Saboia – I think these understandings already happen between the various ministries. Today you already have such a vast Brics agenda that I would say that the Ministry of Health already has dialogue with the Brics counterparts, who are already working in these areas, in the area of vaccines, for example.
It is an area that is very promising. We will work hard on our presidency but it will continue. It’s an effort that involves several sectors of public administration and that makes me very excited about the work we do.