The statement sent by Convergence defends the continuity of the interim period chaired by Juan Guaidó, but does believe that the Transition Statute should be reviewed and adapted to current circumstances
The Convergence party called this Friday, December 23, for the unity of the Venezuelan opposition, after the deputies of the National Assembly elected in 2015 attached to Primero Justicia, Un Nuevo Tiempo and Acción Democrática, decided in the first discussion to reform the Transition Statute that would end the interim government, headed by Juan Guaidó.
In the letter, posted on social media, Convergence He recalled that this Statute has justified the validity of the AN 2015 and the interim period itself, due to the “power vacuum” that has been evident in Venezuela since 2018 with the early elections called by the Executive and which resulted in a new victory for the President Nicolás Maduro.
In this sense, he stressed that the same document would cease to be valid only when free elections were reached and a “legitimate” government was elected.
*Read also: Pérez Vivas believes that the interim government as an institution must prevail
In the opinion of that political organization, although it supported the continuity of the interim government, the Transition Statute must be reviewed and “adapted to the requirements” in order to guarantee the change of administration of the country through constitutional means without affecting the constitutional principles that allow that the AN 2015 continue to function, as well as the interim; everything always in unity.
He stressed the importance of the opposition forces really uniting, since these decisions can have repercussions both in the allied countries and in the primary elections themselves.
#Release | From Convergence we call for Unity.
– Convergence Venezuela (@ConvergenciaVe) December 23, 2022
The Delegate Commission met on Wednesday December 22online, to debate in the first discussion two proposals regarding the future of the 2015 National Assembly (AN) and the interim government headed by Juan Guaidó.
Two partial reform projects of the Statute Law Governing the Transition to Democracy were presented to restore the validity of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
*Read also: Elías Sayegh differs from Mayor Duque and says that without an interim they are weakened in Mexico
The nominal vote took place in an uneven way: several deputies, of those who are in the country, present connection failures, the Secretary of the AN, José Figueredo, passes over some names or gets confused when mentioning them. In the first discussion, and with 72 votes, the proposal of Primero Justicia (PJ) Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) prevailed; Democratic Action (AD) and Movement for Venezuela to liquidate the interim.
Guaidó’s proposal for the continuity of the interim government had 23 votes, and 9 abstentions were registered.
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