In the Zamora municipality of Miranda state, the training process for the spokespersons of the electoral commissions led by the National Electoral Council is taking place, in view of what will be the National Popular Consultation 2025.
In this regard, César Medina, responsible for the process in Guatire, explained that on this occasion the second phase of training is carried out, given that they are the ones authorized to carry out the loading of the projects.
Of the 26 communal circuits in the Zamora municipality, 19 citizen assemblies have been held, with their respective minutes of the seven project proposals approved thanks to the leading participation.
Some of the circuits that already have their proposals approved are: Comandante Chávez, Loma Linda, El Marqués, Zamora Renace en Revolución, Venezuela en Marcha, El Calao, Urimare, Tapaima, Socialista Chávez Gigante de América, Ecosocialista, Nueva Misión Batalla and Victoria, among others, who have carried out the loading process within the framework of the autonomy provided by the law.