The salary of a congressman can reach 26,000 soles per month. Find out why parliamentarians have those extra bonuses.
Be congressman of the republic it has become one of the most desired positions by hundreds of citizens in the country. Despite the fact that they have no experience in political formalization, more than one ventures into this experience, but not out of a vocation to help the population, but rather because of the economic benefits of being a father of the country.
For example, him basic salary of parliamentarians is 15,600 soles per month. The discounts in accordance with the law generate that they receive a liquid amount of 10,200 soles.
In addition to their salary, congressmen receive an “allowance for performance of congressional functions”, as established in article 22, literal f, of the Parliament’s regulations. The amount that is not audited each month is a net of 7,617 soles.
To this, sources from the Mayor’s Office of Congress informed this medium that there is a separate bonus for representation, of 2,800 monthly.
Doing additions and subtractions, the congressmen have a salary of 26,017 soles per month and not 10,000 soles, as stated by congressmen Alejandro Soto, from Alianza para el Progreso, and María Agüero, from Peru Libre, during the plenary session, in 2021.
It should be noted that legislators also enjoy two bonuses a year for 10,300 in July and December.
The salary of the congressman is even close to 26,000 soles.
How much did the congressmen earn in this month of December and what benefits did they receive?
In the month of December, the congressmen —apart from receiving the 15,600 soles of salary, 7,617 soles for performance of congress function and 2,800 for representation function—, were also benefited with 10,300 soles and a visa shopping card for an amount of 1,500 Suns.
It is enough to add the amounts to realize that his income for the Christmas month alone was 36,000 soles.