The Popular Action congressman, Raul Doroteodenied joining the group called “The Children”, which would be made up of legislators from his caucus who are close to President Pedro Castillo.
In statements to RPP, the parliamentarian said that the version given by the businesswoman Karelim López to the Public Ministry is false, according to which he and other colleagues in his group follow the instructions of the head of state.
“I regret the statements of this presumed effective collaborator and that involves us and damages our honor. I want to take advantage and reaffirm my position, I deny any link, I do not know Karelim López or Bruno Pacheco”, he asserted.
SIGHT: Five Popular Action congressmen acted as defectors, according to Karelim
Along these lines, Doroteo affirmed that he has never met with the former Minister of Transportation Juan Silva or with any other minister or high-ranking official of this Government.
“I have never visited the Minister of Transport (Juan Silva, who has already resigned) and when I have met him in Congress we have not talked. Nor have I met with another minister or any high authority. We have gone to the Government Palace, it is true, we went to bring our proposal for the caucus. We are committed to giving governability”, he added.
In his testimony, to which El Comercio had access, López refers that five Popular Action legislators “obey everything Pedro Castillo says” and involves them in the alleged network of companies that have won millionaire tenders in the Ministry of Transport since 2021.
Among ‘Los Niños’, Karelim López has mentioned the names of Raúl Doroteo, chosen by Ica, and Juan Carlos Mori Celis, chosen by Loreto. In addition, the lobbyist refers to Yonhy Lescano as an advisor to one of the congressmen linked to this group.