The Human Rights Commissions of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies released today (24) the final report of the joint mission that went to Rio de Janeiro to analyze the circumstances of the death of Congolese refugee Moïse Mugenyi Kabagambe, beaten on a beach in the city on 24 of January. The report calls for action from local authorities and presents proposals to improve public policies aimed at migrants and refugees in the country.
“From the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the delegation obtained a commitment to speed up the complaint; the governor promised transparency in the investigations,” the report says. As for public policies aimed at migrants and refugees, the CHR concluded that the structure of the National Committee for Refugees (Conare) of the Ministry of Justice needs to be increased, in order to strengthen the procedures for analyzing the granting of refuge. He also asked for the expansion of assistance to immigrants by the Federal Police.
The Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro (MPRJ) denounced this week three people for the death of Moïse, Two days later, the Justice of Rio de Janeiro accepted the complaint presented by the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
The report provides an overview of the case, recalling the origin of Moïse, a refugee from a country plunged into a war that generates massacres, deaths with axes, rapes, human trafficking, diseases and malnutrition. The document highlights that, in Brazil, Congolese suffer from language barriers, lack of recognition of professional training, unemployment, informal work and food insecurity, in addition to racism and xenophobia. The report will be presented at the next meeting of the Senate Human Rights Commission.
The president of the Community of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Brazil, Fernando Mupapa, estimates that, in the city of Rio de Janeiro alone, there are around 4,500 Congolese living, most of them residing in favelas in the northern districts.
*With information from the Senate Agency