Possibility. Alianza para el Progreso would be the key bench in the objective of agreeing on a project of early elections for this year. This Wednesday, at the Board of Spokesmen, it is expected that this issue demanded by the country will be put on the agenda of the plenary session.
The door has not yet closed to schedule in the Congress of the republic he early elections generals that allow you to leave the political crisis and the social upheaval that the country is going through.
This Wednesday the 15th, one day before the official plenary session in Parliament, the bench of Alliance for Progress (APP) will request before the Board of Spokespersons that consensus be reached on a draft of early elections for this year.
“If there is any group in Congress that wants to finish discussing the issues that are a priority to resolve the political crisis, is Alianza para el Progreso. For the next plenary session there will be a Board of Spokespersonswhere Alianza para el Progreso will vote in favor of including this project to advance elections for this year 2023”, said the national secretary of APP, Luis Valdez.
For his part, Free Peru He is also willing to support the debate on early elections on the congressional agenda.
“We see that it is possible, applying the principle of a sense of urgency, to agree to a return to debate and vote on this issue of early elections”, said Flavio Cruz, spokesman for this parliamentary group.
the bench of we are peru it will also support any initiative that aims at the debate for the advancement of elections with a view to this year.
“In short, as of today, if there is any consensus formula on the advance, we will support it, even more so if it is linked to 2023. If an agreement is not yet reached, at least we will support the opening of the debate”, said the spokesman for Somos Peru, José Jerí.
It should be remembered that, on January 9, the Magisterial Block withdrew its signature from the virtual act of the Board of Spokesmen at the last minute to schedule the advancement of elections in the Legislative Plenary. Thus frustrated their debate and approval. 66 votes are needed.
However, according to Parliament sources, a new act is not needed in the event that a certain spokesperson for a political force decides to sign it and thus achieve the required votes to schedule the electoral advance. The aforementioned act has the signatures of the spokespersons of four benches: people forcePodemos Peru, Democratic Peru and Democratic Change-Together for Peru.
In the case of popular actionHis spokesman, José Arriola, reported that they will meet on Monday or Tuesday to define a “non-isolated position.” He added that this decision will be transferred by his coreligionist and second vice president of Congress, Silvia Monteza, to the Board of Directors.
Nevertheless, Monteza maintained the day before that the possibility of debating again the advancement of elections General will be discussed in the Board of Directors.
“In the end, the position will be solid as a bench, to which everyone has to pave, whether one or more than one likes it or not,” stressed José Arriola.
A different panorama is seen in the far-right caucuses, such as Renovación Popular, which do not support the advancement of general elections, while they have been elected for a constitutional period of five years. “We have always been opposed to early elections. We are not going to support any early elections, neither for 2023 nor for 2024,” said congressman José Cueto.
Williams: “It depends on what they are going to present”
The president of the Congress, Jose Williams Zapatapointed out that it depended on the Plenary and the Constitution Commission if the debate on early elections is resumed.
“There is the possibility of continuing to legislate in this regard because the annual period of sessions can be extended next week or in March. From the moment that the annual period of sessions is extended, there is the possibility that a bill of the same matter could be incorporated and dealt with again in plenary session”, he explained in Congress.
Also, when asked if the issue will be a priority this week for Congress, the head of Parliament emphasized that “It depends on what they are going to present.”
The word
Luis Valdez, APP
“APP will vote in favor of including this project to advance elections for this year 2023.”