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Congress overrides veto of law banning hostile architecture

The National Congress overturned today (16) President Jair Bolsonaro’s veto of the bill that prohibits the use of materials and structures to remove homeless people from public places in cities – the so-called hostile architecture. The text goes on for promulgation.Congress overrides veto of law banning hostile architecture

In the Senate, the overthrow of the veto had 60 votes in favor and only four against. In the Chamber, there were 354 votes for overthrowing the veto and 39 for maintaining it. Only the Novo party voted in favor of maintaining the veto.

The bill became known as the Padre Júlio Lancelotti Law. Last year, the priest from São Paulo, who has a strong presence in favor of homeless people, went viral on social networks when he starred in a scene in which he tried to break sharp concrete stakes installed by the city of São Paulo under an overpass. The construction was intended to prevent people from staying in these places.


The overthrow of the veto happens just three days after the decision of the President of the Republic to veto the matter. In the justification, Bolsonaro argued that, after listening to ministries, he concluded that the norm could “cause interference in the function of planning and local governance of urban policy, when seeking to define the characteristics and conditions to be observed for the physical installation of equipment and urban furniture. “.

For Senator Fabiano Contarato (PT-ES), author of the proposal, valuing heritage cannot be greater than humanitarian concern.

“The Cities Statute has to be inclusive. These techniques of using rebar, chains and sharp instruments have the sole objective of valuing heritage to the detriment of welcoming homeless people,” he said.

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