The new special commission in charge of choosing the Ombudsman It will be installed this Wednesday, June 22, and that same day it will have its first session, after the previous working group that fulfilled this function was deactivated.
The coordinator of this commission, Congressman Jorge Montoya (Popular Renewal), summoned the parliamentarians that make up the group to attend the virtual session from 1:00 pm on Wednesday.
“I am pleased to address you, in my capacity as coordinator of the election act of the special commission in charge of selecting suitable candidates for the election of the Ombudsman, and in accordance with article 36 of the Rules of Procedure of Congress, You are summoned to the election process of the Board of Directors and installation of the Special Commission on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 01:00 pm”, reads the letter sent by Montoya.
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Likewise, it details that the members that will form part of this parliamentary working group will be: Rosangella Barbarán (Popular Force), Silva Robles (Free Peru), Elvis Vergara (Popular Action), Freddy Díaz (Alliance for Progress), José Williams ( Avanza País), Alex Paredes (Teachers’ Block), Jorge Montoya (Popular Renewal), Roberto Kamiche (Democratic Peru) and Ruth Luque (Democratic Change).
As is recalled, the previous commission that was in charge of choosing the new head of the Ombudsman it was deactivated after a disposition of the Judicial Power that ordered to stop the process.
The Third Specialized Constitutional Court of Lima, in charge of magistrate John Javier Paredes Salas, ordered the president of Congress, María del Carmen Alva, to suspend the process, as a result of an amparo action presented by the Union of the Ombudsman for considering that there was no transparency or publicity.