The Congress of the Republic confirmed this Saturday, July 16, that a worker was diagnosed with monkeypox last Thursday. The Parliament reported that the person is stable, with medical rest and with permanent monitoring by the Ministry of Health.
In this sense, the Parliament communicated that the medical service area coordinated with the administration area for the cleaning and disinfection of the patient’s work area. Those who had direct contact with a confirmed case were also identified and contacted by telephone.
“The workers who are direct contacts of the worker with a confirmed diagnosis have not presented symptoms to date. We will continue to monitor the worker with a confirmed diagnosis and the workers who are direct contacts to permanently monitor their health status, and avoid contagion in the institution,” reads the statement.
Finally, Congress specified that the data of the confirmed case or direct contacts will not be disclosed “in order to respect their privacy and avoid moral and psychological damage, hoping that the confidentiality of said information will be maintained.”
Secretary of the Union of the Congress criticizes reservation of the confirmed case
Last Friday, Tulio Vizcarra, general secretary of the congressional workers’ union, reported that there was a confirmed case of monkeypox and questioned the reserve shown by the parliamentary administration.
“The people of the medical service know this and they have remained silent. The officials know it, we are sure that the Senior Official of Congress also knows it and they have not given the necessary alerts to date,” Vizcarra told Rivera.