The Organic Law of the Judiciary generally received 330 votes in favor, 123 against; while in particular it was endorsed with 332 votes in favor but 120 votes against.
The Judicial Career Law received 325 votes in favor and 125 against in general, and in particular 333 votes in favor and 119 against.
Meanwhile, the changes to the General Law of Administrative Responsibilities passed with 328 votes in favor, 126 against. Specifically, these amendments received 326 votes in favor and 120 against.
The changes
The modifications to the Organic Law imply, for example, the transformation of the Federal Judiciary Council into the Judicial Administration Body endowed with independence and technical and managerial autonomy to issue its resolutions, functionally and organically separated from the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.
This Law creates the Judicial Disciplinary Court, which will be established as a judicial governance body responsible for effectively managing the material, human, financial and technological resources of the PJF.
This court will be responsible for sanctioning unethical conduct and irregularities by members of the Judiciary.
“The Plenary Session of the Judicial Disciplinary Court will be competent to resolve in the second instance regarding serious misconduct procedures allegedly committed by public servants of the PJF who perform administrative functions,” it is indicated as part of its powers.
The new Judicial Career Law foresees that this will be “an institutional system integrated by the processes of entry, training, promotion, performance evaluation, permanence and separation from the position of the public servants that comprise it, based on merit and equality. of opportunities.”
With the judicial reform, this Judicial Career was shortened, so that the highest level to which the members of the PJF can aspire will be that of court or collegiate secretary, or general secretary.
Meanwhile, the reform to the Law of Administrative Responsibilities harmonizes the legal framework related to the regime of responsibilities of public servants of the PJF.