The Congress of the Republic approved this Friday, July 15, the agreement between the government of Peru and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) for the realization of the 52nd General Assembly in Lima.
First of all, with 69 votes in favour, 4 against and 3 abstentionsthe national representation gave the green light to the reconsideration proposed by the parliamentarian Susel Paredes (Not Grouped).
After that, the document presented by the Executive Power was put to a vote with the following result: 100 votes in favor, 7 against and 7 abstentions.
During the debate, the president of the Foreign Relations Committee, Ernesto Bustamante (Popular Force), insisted that a new document be sent without the “neutral bathrooms” and approved by the Standing Committee.
“It is not about preventing but rather we are going to approve an agreement in August. A delay that has no influence. But, we cannot allow it to arrive with legislation that arrives smuggled “narrowed down
It was Susel Paredes who corrected Bustamante regarding the fact that the Permanent Commission does not have the competence to do so. However, the legislator insisted on referring to “trans bathroom” to the “neutral bathrooms” requested by the OAS for the event in the capital.
As you remember, last Thursday for 55 votes against, 44 in favor and 6 abstentionsthe national representation had rejected the project of Legislative Resolution No. 2548 sent by the Executive Power, for which it went to the file.
Supporting the proposal, Ernesto Bustamante questioned whether the agreement established the installation of a “neutral bathroom” for the participants of the international event.
This provision caused the discomfort of some legislators, while others asked that the debate focus on the importance of holding this event for the interests of Peru. The vote had sent the document to the archive.