Today: September 17, 2024
September 10, 2024
1 min read

Congress: Alex Paredes assumes the presidency of the Ethics Commission


There was a reshuffle. Congressman Alex Paredes, from the Magisterial Bloc, assumed the presidency of the Ethics Commission, as announced by Perú21.

WATCH: Congress: The Ethics Commission will be reconstituted this Monday

Elizabeth Taipe, from Peru Libre, will be the vice president; and Nelcy Heindinger, from APP, the secretary.

This occurred after the non-partisan congresswoman Margot Palacios, invited by Juntos Por el Perú (JPP), proposed said list.

First, the recomposition of the board of directors was put to a vote, with nine votes in favour and three abstentions.

The list of candidates was put to a vote and received the green light with 10 votes in favour and two abstentions.