After several days of work that took place since last Monday – January 13 – the National Government presented the conclusions of the conclave convened by President Gustavo Petro, in order to know what will be the issues to prioritize in the second half of his term. mandate, as well as the new organization of his cabinet, taking into account the resignations that are coming in the coming months.
The management of the fiscal crisis, the approach to the communities, the new social policies to be promoted, monetary policy and the management of interest rates and the spending cut that has been requested for several months, were some of the topics that were addressed in the months of work, which were led by the Ministry of Finance and the Administrative Department for the Presidency (Dapre).
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According to information from the Casa de Nariño, in these three days of planning work strategic with his cabinet, a set of 2025-2026 guidelines were defined to consolidate the management pillars and chart a path towards structural transformation that benefits the country, under the parameters established in the National Development Plan.
“One of the key points was the decision to promote direct execution instruments through organized communities, such as cooperatives and popular associations, prioritizing historically excluded territories in both rural and urban areas,” says the official report.
As explained in the Government, the approach addressed seeks to redirect public policy towards a more equitable model, moving away from paradigms that, for President Gustavo Petro, have perpetuated inequalities for many years. decades in different areas of the country and have not allowed equitable development to be generated.
“The conference also highlighted the importance of strengthening the role of public companies as engines of development, reinforcing the state’s capacity for maneuver to lead the transformations in strategic sectors included in the government program,” they pointed out from Casa de Nariño.
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Credit and infrastructure
In addition to working with communities and prioritizing vulnerable populations, At the close of the conclave it was clear that measures will be adopted in parallel to continue eliminating barriers to access to credit, such as mortgage guarantees, channeling resources to improve the living conditions and economic activities of historically excluded communities.
As Portafolio learned, the Government will continue trying to get the Bank of the Republic to lower interest rates at a faster pace than has been seen so far and this would go hand in hand with the recent announcements of changes in the Issuer’s board of directors. , where two professionals with similar economic thinking will arrive.
The future of infrastructure was also reviewed during this work day and at the end of it it was announced that they will begin mapping the main bottlenecks in strategic projects, such as airports, railways and processing plants, in order to guarantee their prompt execution.
“This plan reinforces the vision of a government that seeks not only to be at the service of the people, but also to radically transform the social, economic and political bases of the country to build a more just and inclusive future”they explained.
In the educational field, the Government said that it will accelerate the implementation plan of the school day with a perspective of comprehensive education and the school-university model that allows students to graduate from secondary education with knowledge equivalent to the first years of undergraduate education, in addition to strengthening technical and technological education, especially in rural areas.
“Additionally, the topic of training and training of teachers for new challenges will be integrated. “These measures seek to prepare new generations to respond to the challenges of national development.”they indicated in the statement.
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Health and peace
In the conclusions of the conclave it was also known that for the health sector the need to maintain and strengthen the comprehensive and territorialized work of the basic teams throughout the country was established to provide concrete solutions to the communities and that these tasks will go hand in hand with the expansion of health programs to expand coverage and improve the quality of the system.
“The cabinet reaffirmed its commitment to compliance with the Peace Agreement, as a collective effort of all government entities. In addition to what is already being done, the promotion of productive associative projects that build sustainable life alternatives in the regions most affected by the conflict will be increased,” they said.
Finally, and aware that the objectives set will only be achieved Working as a team, the Casa de Nariño announced that they entrusted themselves with the task of strengthening intersectoral coordination, which for them is essential to guarantee the success of the goals set.
“The leaders of each of the Government sectors will continue to review compliance with this roadmap in the territories and will be in charge of disseminating to the communities and public opinion the progress of each of the projects that are and will be in progress. march”, they concluded.
This roadmap is known at a time when the country is going through a particular economic moment due to the slowdown, lack of liquidity and overestimated collection and economic growth projections, which led to a drastic spending cut being ordered that will take its toll on the investment, while scourges as inflation continues unabated and uncertainty worries the markets.