Antioquia registers 41 municipalities with some alert for forest fires.
There are preoccupation in Antioquia due to the lack of hiring of volunteer fire departments in the departmentin the midst of Ideam alerts due to the increase in forest fires in the country.
Of 300 municipalities at risk of emergencies nationwide, 16 are on red alert in Antioquia, 15 on orange alert and 13 on yellow alert.
According to Luis Bernardo Morales Llano, commander of the Envigado Volunteer Firefighters, At this time there is a low recruitment of volunteer fire brigades, while adding that of 110 bodies in Antioquia, only 12 have signed a contract with the municipal mayors.
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According to Morales, this is because many advisors in local administrations are not clear about the importance of contracting with the outsourcing companies in charge of volunteer fire departments or because of the ridiculous offers that local administrations make for the provision of the service.
With cut-off date of January 17, municipalities that have signed They are Envigado, Sabaneta, Itagüí, Caldas, el Retiro, Valdivia, Santafé de Antioquia, La Unión, La Ceja, el Santuario, Angostura and Marinilla.
However, the towns of Angelópolis, Bello, Belmira, Buriticá, Copacabana, Ebéjico, Girardota, Guarne, Heliconia, La Estrella, Liborina, Medellín, Olaya, San Jerónimo, San Pedro De Los Milagros and Sopetrán are on red alert due to fires.
In orange alert There are Abriaquí, Armenia, Caicedo, Caldas, Cañasgordas, Dabeiba, Donmatías, Entrerríos, Envigado, Itagüí, Peque, Retiro, Sabanalarga, San Andrés De Cuerquía, Santa Fé de Antioquia.
In yellow alert There are the towns of Abejorral, Barbosa, Fredonia, Frontino, Giraldo, Ituango, Montebello, Sabaneta, San Carlos, San José De La Montaña, Santa Bárbara, Sonsón, Uramita.
The call they make from the Fire Departments is to keep in mind the importance of hiring these services and more in this season of increased fires.
Source: Integrated Information System