The Business Pulse Survey shows that by June 2022 the 13.1% of all companies He said that he expects the price of his inputs to ‘increase a lot’. Another 33.6% have the expectation that it will ‘increase a little’ and 34.2% that it will remain the same.
(Read: Petro tax: more taxes for the wealthy than for companies).
In May 2022, 11.7% of all companies reported supply problems. 69.5% stated that due to availability problems they suffered an interruption in the flow of supplies. In particular, for industry this percentage was 72.0%.
In addition, 70.1% of the companies reported higher costs in this Dane survey For the construction sector this percentage was 88.6%.
On the other hand, in June, in 15.5% of all the companies, the directors said that they expect the price of the dollar to “increase a lot” the following month and 38.2% that ‘raise little’. Builders register the highest percentage of opinions around a high increase with 22.6%.
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Meanwhile, the consideration of ‘raise a little’ is more noticeable among businessmen in theto manufacturing industry with 41.8%.
It also shows that in June 2022, 58.6% of the total companies in the four sectors expected an increase in their income during the next three months. In commerce, 60.6% expected to count on this increase.