The Comptroller General of the Republic, Gerardo Solís, endorsed two Port Concession Contract addenda to two companies, Panama Colón Container and United Crown Construction, which will invest in the country B/. 1, 067, 200,000.00 and B/. 105, 101,125.00, respectively.
According to Comptroller Solís, this great agreement has materialized due to the correction policy implemented by this entity, which allowed the Panama Maritime Authority to guarantee the fulfillment of its obligations and the best benefit for the State.
“Thanks to the Audits that were carried out, the non-compliance was determined and that it should be corrected, this is a sample of the Correction Culture that the Comptroller’s Office practices and promotes, thanks to all the auditors, inspectors, lawyers, economists and officials who worked in all these audits. This is proof that our work has a positive impact on the country”, Solís gratefully highlighted to the auditors of this Supervisory Entity.
According to the first addendum, the Panama Colón Container company undertakes to invest in a Container Terminal the sum of not less than one thousand sixty-seven million two hundred thousand dollars and 00/100 ($1,067,200,000.00), legal currency of the United States of America. America, directly or indirectly, by itself or through companies.
While the company United Crown Construction undertakes to invest directly or indirectly, by itself or through subsidiary or affiliated companies, in the construction and development of the container yard, a total sum of one hundred and five million one hundred and one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars with 00 /100 ($105, 101,125.00), legal tender of the United States of America.
This contract will have a duration of thirty (30) years, counted from the entry into force of the Law that approves these addenda.