Compagnie Development Industriel, free zone Codevireported that its employees were unharmed after the incident that took place this Thursday at its facilities.
Through a document, the company explained that when unscrupulous people entered the park in order to cause disturbances, they had to dispatch the staff that works there.
“These people abruptly broke into some of the food warehouses, destroying part of their facilities,” the statement said.
To read:
The company activated the security protocol and dispatched all personnel, who were protected without any aggression.
According to the statement, the park will reopen its doors as soon as it is possible to work in an environment of total safety for all those who work there. Meanwhile, they said to remain attentive to what is happening in Haiti, while expressing their support for the demand for a solution to the crisis that the neighboring country is going through.
While the free zone It is militarized by members of the Dominican Army, as well as the Specialized Land Border Security Corps (Cesfront).