Eleven of the recommendations were for obstetric violence against 11 direct victims, of which one died.
In five of those cases, the CNDH investigations accredited inadequate medical care, lack of adequate assessment of victims, inadequate prenatal control, deficiencies in the care of births and omissions in the conduct of clinical studies of patients, evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the fetal well -being and in the integration of the clinical file, as well as discriminatory and dehumanizing treatment by health personnel.
These human rights violations of patients occurred in hospitals in the State of Mexico, Querétaro, Sinaloa, Jalisco and Nayarit.
In six other cases, also of obstetric violence, which occurred in Tamaulipas, Coahuila, Colima and Sonora, the agency documented omissions in the establishment of diagnoses and comprehensive or support treatments for obstetric emergencies. He also proven offenses in the reference of the victims that required transfer to the Fetal Medicine Service, in the realization of a complete medical approach and in the granting of necessary treatments.
In addition to negligence in prenatal monitoring and bad praxis in the realization of caesarean section, “which resulted in the death of one of the patients and the loss of five pregnancy products,” said the body.
The CNDH issued another 12 recommendations for the lack of timely medical care for eight older adults in hospitals in Sinaloa, Mexico City, Colima, Nayarit, Hidalgo and Jalisco.
“The investigations carried out by the National Commission allowed to prove omissions and delays in the medical care of the victims, all of them older adults; deficiencies in the integration of their clinical files; Absence of laboratory and cabinet studies, as well as delays in the application of protocols for its correct intervention, which resulted in deterioration in their state of health that caused their unfortunate deaths, ”he explained in a different statement.
Separately, the CNDH reported that it also issued another 25 recommendations for proven acts of inadequate medical care in Jalisco, State of Mexico, Mexico City, Nayarit, Quintana Roo, Coahuila, Sinaloa, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Nuevo León, Colima and Guanajuato, in the aggravation of twenty -eight victims and their relatives.
In these cases, the agency found that IMSS personnel did not provide adequate diagnostic and therapeutic measures, nor acted with sufficient diligence: “He dismissed clinical background, omitted laboratory studies that was essential to carry out, did not refer to specialized services to the People who required it, provided an inadequate monitoring of surgeries carried out, did not attend to time the complications in which the victims’ treatments derived and did not adequately integrate the clinical files, among other irregularities. ”
Therefore, for the 48 total recommendations, the National Commission recommended the IMSS comprehensive to repair the damage caused to the victims, direct and indirect, in addition to granting medical, psychological or tanatological attention they need.
Monitor administrative files in the internal control body against public servants involved in the facts and provide specialized training in human rights to the medical personnel of the areas involved.