Rio de Janeiro will host the Brics summit in July, but the city is already being prepared to host the main forum for political articulation in the Global South. The city hall even created the Rio Brics Committee to coordinate all activities and projects related to the Brazilian presidency of the group and prepare a calendar of events throughout the year.
The decree creating the committee highlights that the capital of Rio de Janeiro has experience in holding large-scale international events, in cooperation with international organizations, civil society and other political spheres in the country, such as Rio+20, the 2016 Olympic Games and the G20 Summit, held last year.
The document also says that the BRICS Summit consolidates Rio, as the Brazilian capital of strategic international events, for the advancement of diplomacy and international relations. The text determines that, within 60 days, the committee must publish the new commemorative brand “Rio Capital of the Brics”, similar to the slogan “Rio Capital of the G20” used in 2024.
Furthermore, it already provides for the possibility of institutional and financial support for relevant projects and events carried out by legal entities governed by public law, international organizations, non-profit civil associations, which can be included in the Brics Rio Calendar.
Just as was done within the scope of the G20 in 2024, this year, Brazil is responsible for organizing and coordinating meetings of thematic working groups, before the meeting of the Brics heads of state. More than 100 official meetings are already planned between February and July this year, but all in Brasília. For now, only the Summit meeting is confirmed to take place in Rio de Janeiro.
About Brics
In addition to Brazil, the bloc is originally made up of Russia, India, China and South Africa, which explains the acronym Brics, made up of the initials of each country. But recently, new members were admitted: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Iran.
Brazil assumed the rotating presidency of the Group this Wednesday (1st), choosing the motto “Strengthening Cooperation in the Global South for a More Inclusive and Sustainable Governance” and five priorities: facilitating trade and investments between countries; inclusive and responsible governance of Artificial Intelligence; improvements in financing to address climate change; greater cooperation between countries in the Global South, with a focus on public health; and institutional strengthening of the group.