In their note they urged the rulers to appoint Magistrates of the Electoral Court with a State criterion and not a political criterion to ensure both their real independence from the great economic and political powers, as well as their defense of the interests of the population.
through a community andI Forum Ciordadano Pro reformtos ANDheectortoheands showed his rejection of the electoral criminal jurisdiction and reiterated his heheloved to theiminar the wasror penal andheandctorhe, ensuring that it only serves as blindage to ACndidates and Authorigive andheetc.tos who intend to evade justice.
According to him Forum Pror R1forms ANDhectorheands the Electoral Court has had a posicifoolish and contradihistory swork the issue and highlight that they have interfered in “issues whatEU no They are dand your competencito and whatEU devirtuan comphereally the sentido origiend from East strongor,heor what has teanido and havedrá graves consandtaleciace for heto instituckioneheity ppolitical andheandctoral”.
In their note they urged the rulers to appoint Mtogistrados of the TRiborend ANDheandctoral with a criterior from Condition and no a criterior politicalico “for aceandgure so much his independenceito real forehead to heyou grands powers economyicos and politicalicors, What sor defending from heyou iinterests from heto pobhetociorn”.
In addition, they urged heors ciordtogivesnyou to redobhear heto sawgiheancito forehead to the moment poheithic andheandcyouorral and to beefptohegive heace Actions ciudadanas whatorand, from way iinformed and I answernsabland, tompplows on heto Constitution and heto Law, I know realidine for what everyone and all we can againstibuir to Geento be orn new modeheor copyouico and socitohe plus humanorethical and Sunidarior.