A resounding rejection was what the Chuturubí company responded Civil Society, lines 17 and 18 on the request for dissolution of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system contract. While Mayor Jhonny Fernández once again reiterated this morning that this project “is no longer going”, so everything makes it seem that the annulment of the signature will be decided in the legal courts.
Percy Rojas Limón, president of the Chuturubí company, sent a letter to the Autonomous Municipal Government of Santa Cruz to inform it that they reject the request to annul the concession of the first ring BRT route and are awaiting a response.
“Mayor unilaterally decided to dissolve this contractor, without taking us into account. We have analyzed this request within the established period, which is 72 hours, and we have decided to reject the cancellation proposal, ”he commented in telephone contact with EL DEBER.
According to Rojas, the justification used by the Mayor’s Office to annul the concession is unfounded and regretted that the dissolution could generate a economic damage of $5,280,000 to lines 17 and 18, since that amount of money was invested in the purchase of buses.
Rojas explained that the lline of buses that runs through the first ring came to sign the contract of concession thanks to an invitation made on February 5, 2019 by the Mayor’s Office to the Santa Cruz union, of which they were a part until they were separated because they became part of the BRT project.
For his part, Mayor Jhonny Fernández reiterated this Tuesday that andhe rapid transit project will not go through the first ring road. In addition, from the Mayor’s Office they stated that the rejection letter for lines 17 and 18 did not reach that office and they are waiting to receive it to analyze it.