He stressed that the measure was taken because Donald Trump has already carried out various actions such as the deployment of military at the border with Mexico, as well as “mass arrests in several cities, suspension of appointments for asylum requests and an executive order to ‘repel, repatriate and immediately expel ‘undocumented migrants. ”
Given these actions undertaken from the US government, the Mexican Episcopate conference said that the Church will keep open and run all its migrants and care centers in the country.
Here you can consult the map of migrant people care centers.
Father Benito Torres told from the faith that he is currently working in coordination with the Government of Mexico City and with some civil associations stop offering migrants a worthy shelter.
For his part, Father Juan Luis Carbajal warned the weekly that, although Trump threats against migrants can be a “more political than effective resource”, “it seems more willing to comply with its anti -immigrant promises than in its First period as president ”.