This month, more than four million workers who are on the private sector payroll will receive gratification by Christmas. The professor at the Pacífico Business School, Jorge Carillo, provides some details about the payment of this benefit.
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To begin with, he pointed out that companies have until December 13 to make the disbursement, and recalled that businesses that do not make this payment will be fined up to S/120,000, depending on the labor regime and the number of workers affected.
How much will be paid for this benefit? The expert in personal finance issues pointed out that those who have been on the payroll since July 1 of this year, or before, will receive gratification the entire gross salary plus 9% corresponding to the Essalud contribution.
For example, if your gross salary is S/2,000, you will be paid S/2,180, while if your salary is S/3,000, the payment will amount to S/3,270. Meanwhile, you will receive S/4,360 if the gross remuneration is S/4,000.
The professor also revealed that the person who did not work the entire period will receive a proportional part of his salary. In addition, he recalled that not all labor regimes will charge gratification. In that case, small business workers will only be paid half.
For their part, public sector workers will receive a “bonus” instead of the full bonus, the amount of which is determined by the Ministry of Economy and Finances (MEF) is S/300.
“Interns and young people in job training receive half a financial subsidy after completing six months, which does not necessarily occur in July and December. Microenterprise workers, the independent and informal workers, do not receive bonuses,” he said.
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