The Christ the Redeemer Monument will be illuminated this Saturday (17), from 7 pm to 8 pm, in orange, a color that represents the World Day for Patient Safety, celebrated today. This year, the motto proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the date is “Medication without harm”, a global fight for the prevention of medication errors.
Care in prescribing and administering medication will be the focus of debates and actions that the State Department of Health (SES) carries out in celebration of World Patient Safety Day.
The “Panel of successful experiences in the prevention of medication errors” will present, on Monday (19), the initiatives of four hospitals in the state network: Carlos Chagas, Azevedo Lima, Getúlio Vargas and da Criança.
These units reached the “high compliance” level in the National Assessment of Patient Safety Practices by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), after having met at least 14 of 21 criteria for improving patient safety practices for harm reduction. and common risks within hospitals.
In addition to the Christ the Redeemer Monument, state public administration buildings, such as the Guanabara Palace and the State Hospital for Children, have their facades lit up in orange since last week.