The Investigative Police (PDI) announced that it will send an expert in negotiations to Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, to help in the rescue operation of the Chilean missionary kidnapped in the Caribbean country, Esteban Zambrano Leivaduring Wednesday -June 8- in the afternoon.
According to preliminary details, the event occurred at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, when Zambrano arrived at his home with his six-year-old daughter. It is at that moment that a group of people took the missionary and put him in a vehicle.
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the prefect, Catherine Barrianational head of International Cooperation of the PDI, in conversation with Cooperative Radio He indicated that in Haiti it is common for this type of crime to occur, moreover “last year there were about 600 kidnappings and so far this year there are already 300,” he said.
The official announced that they already have an official who is traveling to the capital of the Caribbean country to provide support to the compatriot’s wife -who also performs humanitarian services with families and children-, from whom the kidnappers demanded the amount of 100 thousand dollars (approximately 82 million Chilean pesos) for the rescue of Esteban Zambrano.
The details that are known so far are that the kidnappers only communicate with the missionary’s wife, and that Esteban is fine, hoping to resume communications and a soon rescue.