The use of checks currently represents 0.5% of the forms of payment by the population, but there is no prediction about their end. According to the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), the use of checks fell 18% last year, in an accumulated fall that reaches 96% since 1995.
According to Febraban, Brazilians used 137.6 million checks in 2024, totaling a financial volume of R $ 523.19 billion. In the historical series, since 1995, 3.3 billion checks were compensated. The survey was based on the Compensation Compensation Service.
“Despite the growing dotalization of the bank client, the check is still widely used in Brazil. There are several reasons that still make this payment document survive: resistance from some customers with digital means, use in trades that do not want to offer other means of payment, use as a security for a purchase, as an option in locations with internet problems, between Others, ”explained FEBRABAN’s deputy director of services, Walter Faria.
According to the director, the average check value is higher, which means that the population is using this means of payment for higher value transactions, while lower and day -to -day transactions are made with Pix.
End of check
Despite the drop in check use, Febraban says there is no legal or regulatory forecast for the end of the check. “Resistance to use comes from very specific cases, such as resistance to the use of digital media and lack of boundaries. But with the advancement of digital channels and pix, the check has become an expensive mechanism and complex of use, ”explained the federation.
There is no study that points out the profile of still check users. And even in the face of digital frauds or blows, there is no perspective that checks return as a payment alternative as before.
“Today digital transactions mechanisms are less susceptible to fraud than checks, as they often require multiple authentication factors, while the check only uses signature analysis. We see no prospect of resuming the use of checks, either for fraud reasons or ease, cost or benefits, ”says the institution of banks.