In a brothel known as “Las Lomas” In the immediate vicinity of the Virgen de Cocharcas Housing Association, in the jurisdiction of the District of Perené, Chanchamayo, A minor was found. Within this establishment there are eight rooms listed at the doors and in which there are sex workers. Inside room N ° 3, the youngest of initials Jrom (16) was found, who indicated that he was in said establishment providing sexual services.
In this place, the administrator of the premises, Max Jhoel Llancari Rodríguez (27), was found to whom the reason for the police presence was informed, providing the corresponding authorization to be able to inspect and verify the environments of said premises.
After finding the child, the administrator was arrested for being immersed in the alleged commission of the crime against human dignity in the modality of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, both people being conducted to the Deplicri Sangani in order to carry out the urgent proceedings and essential.