Pyranchi police station dismantled the criminal gang “Los Ricadores” accused of aggravated theft. The police intervention was originated by a complaint filed by the citizen Daniel Sedano Camarena Avenue (60), who warned that unknown people were illegally reaping their coffee plantation in their farm located in the high sector Kimiriki, Pichanaqui district. The complainant indicated that he did not know the individuals and that he had not authorized such activity.
Immediately, Pichanaqui police personnel moved to the place, where the presence of several men collecting coffee in agricultural land was found. In coordination with the complainant, who reaffirmed his ignorance about the authors of the harvest, police intervention was proceeded.
As a result of the intervention, the subjects Marcelino Mallqui Pailuri (38), known as “Don Machi”, Alfredo Andrade Espinal (36), known as “Dabura”, Edgar Urbina Herrera (55), known as “Chapo”, and César Pepe Farfán Vidalón (53), known as “Picoro”. All were arrested for the alleged crime of aggravated theft in the grievance of Daniel Sedano Camarena Avenue.
In the place of the intervention, five polyethylene sacks containing coffee in freshly harvested grain were recovered. The detainees were transferred to the police station for relevant investigations. It is presumed that these are subjects who have been stealing crops at various points.