The Chamber of Deputies approved on Tuesday night (21) a bill that waives authorization for the voluntary recovery of rural areas with native vegetation. The proposal establishes guidelines for the actions of recomposition of the degraded area of the rural property, without the need to obtain authorization or license from the Public Power. The text goes to the Senate.
According to the text, the farmer will be able to recover the area using all available methodologies, techniques and agronomic or forest recovery practices, as long as they are applied for the purpose of restoring native vegetation. The rural producer may plant trees or agroforestry systems in situations where these methods are authorized.
This restoration can be done using seeds from protected areas that are part of the National System of Conservation Units (SNUC).
For the rapporteur, deputy Aline Sleutjes (Pros-PR), the objective of the project is to facilitate and promote the recovery of vegetation. “The project will encourage farmers to recover and restore vegetation around springs, lake shores and waterways. It will allow him to have agility in this process,” she said.
* With information from the Câmara de Notícias Agency