The Chamber of Deputies approved on Wednesday night (27) a bill that authorizes and defines a concept for the practice of telehealth, covering all regulated professions in the health area. The text goes to the Senate.
The deputy of the rapporteur, deputy Pedro Vilela (PSDB-AL), expanded the original text, which was restricted to doctors, and incorporated excerpts from an amendment by deputy Reginaldo Lopes (PT-MG) to specify that the patient will be guaranteed care in person whenever requested.
The project defines as telehealth the modality of providing health services at a distance through the use of information and communication technologies and that involves, among other aspects, the secure transmission of data and information through texts, sounds, images , among other ways.
The acts of health professionals practiced in this modality will be valid throughout the national territory and those who provide the health service in another unit of the Federation exclusively through telehealth will not need a secondary registration or complementary to that of the professional council of their state.
* With information from the Câmara de Notícias Agency