The Chamber of Deputies approved this Tuesday (18) a bill that expands assistance to pregnant women and mothers before, during and after childbirth (puerperium). The bill goes to the Senate.
The proposal amends the Child and Adolescent Statute to guarantee psychological assistance to pregnant women, parturients and postpartum women after evaluation by the health professional in prenatal and postpartum periods, with referral according to prognosis. The text provides that women enrolled in CadÚnico may be provided with a healing kit for the umbilical stump and a trousseau kit.
“The mother’s emotional state is not only decisive for the smooth progress of labor, but it definitely impacts the baby and reflects on its development. Likewise, the puerperium is a period in which the woman, due to the great physiological stress and the sudden change in hormonal levels, is extremely vulnerable and more susceptible to triggering psychic disorders”, justified the rapporteur, deputy Dr. Zacharias Calil (União-GO).
The text also establishes that public and private hospitals that serve pregnant women must develop education, awareness and clarification activities regarding women’s mental health during pregnancy and postpartum period.