The defeat of the United States in the dispute for industrial protagonism and the rise of China in the world market was the diagnoses of journalist Jamil Chad, correspondent of national and foreign vehicles and specialist in international policy, in an interview with the program Livelyfrom the National Radio of the Amazonfrom the Brazil Communication Company (EBC).
“Americans realized they lost, they are losing, the battle for industrial hegemony with China. It is very clear to them that this hegemony is over, it was transferred to China. China is expected to have, up to 2030, 40% of the world’s industrial production, ”he said in an interview with journalist Mara Régia.
More oil
According to him, who now lives in New York, the attempt to resume industrial hegemony is behind the decision of US President Donald Trump to increase the production and use of oil in the middle of the global warming era caused mainly by the Use of fossil fuels.
“According to Americans, the only way today to block this hegemony is to return immediately to produce locally and to break with external facilities. And then, break with external facilities and, above all, again produce, of course, with oil, with fossil energy. So this is the American situation today. It is very dramatic, it will have a deep impact around the world. ”
For Chad, the interest in increasing US -driven US industrial production explains the ongoing environmental deregulation since the first week of Trump government. “They look at environmental regulation as a threat, as an economic obstacle, as a problem for the economy.”
Oppression Architecture
In addition to the environmental agenda, the correspondent highlighted the disrespect for human rights, which has already begun. Chad, who spoke to the program directly from a point on the border of Texas and Mexico. “People’s lives [que tentam a imigração para os EUA] It is being absolutely transformed by decisions that obviously have a political character, but above all discriminatory, racist. ”
After Trump’s rise to power, those who arrive at the limit of Mexico and the United States “have no even a sigh of the documents and say, ‘Look, I’m a refugee.’
The Trump government has announced that it will send 1,500 extra soldiers to the border, as well as more resources to expand the construction of a wall. “A wall that I will tell you, I went to see him. He is very impressive. It is an actual architecture of oppression, ”witnessed the journalist to the Mara Régia program.
The Nature Viva Program airs every Sunday at 9am, on the Amazon National Radio and the National Radio AM of Brasilia.