The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) successfully completed the workshop on Public Procurement System II, aimed at officials of the highest comptroller body, an activity that was taught in classroom 1 of the Institute of Higher Studies of Fiscal Control and State Audit in Caracas.
In this sense, the workshop was led by the facilitator, José Zamora Díaz, who updated more than 15 public servants on the Public Procurement Law, taking into account the management for the acquisition of goods, provision of services, execution of works, contracting file, steps for the formation of the contract, instruments of the procedures in the contracts and administrative responsibility.
The objective is to preserve public assets, in addition to strengthening sovereignty and developing productive capacity, ensuring the transparency of the bodies and strengthening the National Fiscal Control System.
It is worth noting that Public Procurement is a whole procedure concerning the acquisition or lease of goods, execution of public works or provision of services, including consulting services.
Source: CGR Press