Dina Boluarte and Wilfredo Oscorima They had something in common again this December 9. Both gave a speech in tribute to the Bicentennial of the Battle of Ayacucho. Although one was spoken from the Palace and the other from the Ayacucho region, both did not make a good impression on the listeners because they were questioned characters.
The journalist and opinion leader Caesar Hildebrant is in that group. This was confirmed in the podcast of the weekly Hildebrandt en sus Trece, a space in which he communicated his impressions upon listening to both dissertations. In this regard, he indicated that he felt “disgust”, but a “festive disgust” because it was a tribute.
“I heard Mrs. Boluarte talk about the 200 years of the Battle of Ayacucho and I heard Mr. Oscorima, his wayki, his gift, his compadre, his intimate, his…I better not go on, suspended points. (I heard them) and of It’s true that I felt disgust. A festive disgust…, a hygienic distance to put it in terms worthy of the Ministry of Health. A hygienic distance… these people talking about the 200 years of the Battle of. Ayacucho: waoo”, he exclaimed in the aforementioned podcast.
In this way, the journalist recalled the investigation that both political figures share: the Rolex case. Regarding this, it is recalled that Dina Boluarte He assured that the regional governor of Ayacucho, Wilfredo Oscorima, gave him Rolex brand watches because it was his “wayki.”
On the other hand, Hildebrandt mentioned the alleged falsification of signatures in the minutes of the Council of Ministers and highlighted that this would be a cause for vacancy, however, it would be overlooked by Congress.
According to the SundayFourth Estateminutes of theCouncil of Ministersdating back to July 5 and 7 of last year, which were conducted remotely and are under investigation,show that President Dina Boluartesigned differently the document that declared a state of emergency in several districts of Moquegua due to the activity of the Ubinas volcano.
The other document in question is the decree of July 7, which gave travel permission toJuan Carlos MathewsTrade Minister, to New Zealand. This was signedwhen the president was in her post-operative recovery processsince between June 28 and July 10, 2023, the head of the Nation was absent because she underwent a rhinoplasty that was not informed in a timely manner to theCongress.