The start of 2023 has been quite challenging in economic matters for the whole world. In the case of Colombiait is anticipated that the Gross domestic product (GDP) of the country increases by 1% per yearas predicted by investment and multilateral banks.
Issuing banks in the countries of the world have behaved in a similar way, since, in general, They have raised their interest rates, with the objective of controlling the inflation generated by the rises in the price of oil and the shortage of food and agricultural inputs.
(VGMovility seeks the massification of the electric bus business).
Added to this is the diplomatic crisis in the world, which revolves around the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, the effects of the pandemic and the economic and commercial sanctions that have been taking place over the course of the year.
Taking this scenario into account, the former president of the Republic (1990-1994) and director of the Colombian Liberal Party, César Gaviriaexpressed the importance of protecting productive activities, trade and financial flows that take place in the country.
“If measures are not taken to promote and defend economic expansion, the current decisions of the Government could further lower that modest estimated growth potential.”, he mentioned for EL TIEMPO.
(Latin America, close to being a giant in renewable energy).
Similarly, Gaviria issued a warning about some impact on economic growth for not awarding new oil contracts: “It is illogical to believe in stopping exploration in new areas“.
This announcement coincided with a complex context and goes against the decisions that countries like Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil, important partners of Colombia in the region, took over the production of crude oil.
“President Petro and his minister (Irene Vélez) must be heroes abroad among radical environmentalists at the cost of the enormous sacrifice that their decisions represent for our citizens”, he added.
(The reliability of the gas supply is reinforced).
Gaviria also stated that he agreed with Felipe Bayón, outgoing president of Ecopetrol SAwho affirmed that having a solid and robust oil industry would allow the generation of sufficient resources to assume the costs of the energy transition.
However, the former president also expressed his position against the management of Minister Vélez, mentioning that, according to him, there has been a lot of misinformation and lack of rigor, citing as an example the “attempt to substantiate a no-scan policy“.
Today, Colombia only emits 0.58% of greenhouse gases globally. “An ambitious program to stop deforestation, plant trees and recover the Amazon would have been enough to meet Colombia’s modest commitments compared to the Paris commitments”, he added.
(10% of new cars use cleaner energy).
He also stated that the current government “seeks a world leadership (more papists than the pope) little understandable, only to seek an unattainable external popularity among extreme environmentalists”.
Regarding the case of the position of nations such as Brazil, India, China and South Africa compared to the consumption of fossil fuels in developed countries, He says that President Petro lacks the wisdom of these countries and has preferred to sacrifice the economy and the well-being of the people, without achieving anything in return.
“The president naively believes that with tourism we are going to replace all mining and energy exports. One would assume that one should look to the future and not to the past, but instead, let’s go back half a century.”.
To read more about César Gaviria’s position on other similar issues, Click here.