César Acuña, regional governor of La Libertad, minimized the serious situation that Trujillo lives in the field of citizen security with his controversial statements in a public presentation in the Plaza de Armas and invited entrepreneurs to invest in their region with peace of mind.
“I thank the president of the Republic for her decision through police to support the city of Trujillo, because without security there is no peace of mind and there is no investment (…) We want to give a message, which here in Trujillo is Quiet and, therefore, in Trujillo that is reversed, “he said in front of the surprise of the people who were present.
Currently, Trujillo is facing a wave of sicariato, robberies and explosives, being the most remembered the one that happened in January where Public Ministry of his city suffered an attentive with explosive material that also affected homes and vehicles at dawn in the morning and is pointed out as one of the most dangerous cities in Peru.
The Commander of the National Police of Peru (PNP), Víctor Zanabria, reported that for 29 days the staff will support the operations that take place in the city, especially in areas with more presence of crime such as Florencia de Mora, El Porvenir and Hope.
Military will support insecurity in Trujillo
Armed Forces agents will support the fight against crime in Trujillo in order to reduce the crime and extortion that the city has been attacking and has increased in recent weeks. Prime Minister Gustavo Adrianzén said that it is difficult to end criminal gangs but have a strategy together with the Police and FF.AA.
According to the PNP Human Resources Directorate, Freedom has 5152 police officers, which places it as the region with less security presence in 2024.
César Acuña party involved in an alleged prostitution network in Congress
The Party of the Regional Governor César Acuña, Alliance for Progress, has been involved in an alleged pimp network in the Congress of the Republic after the death of Andrea Vidal, a former former former Parliament, who died after several days of agony due to the attack he suffered from hitmen when he requested a taxi per application.
His leadership in the last directive tables brought Acuña to offer explanations about this alleged network accused of exchanging votes for sexual favors. The Prosecutor’s Office and agents of the PNP Trafficking Division are investigating the case in which Jorge Torres Saravia, linked to APP and former head of the Legal and Constitutional Office of the Legislative, is indicated as a leader.