The spokesperson for the Presidency, Gabriela Cerruti, defined this Saturday the administration of the Frente de Todos as “a government that dialogues, works and manages in a complex moment in Argentina, but also on a global level”, while addressing the role of the media in times of social networks warned that “fake news harms democracy.”
Cerruti also stressed that the main members of the coalition hold “confidential, reserved institutional dialogues” and valued that these meetings “can be held confidentially” because “State policies” are analyzed there, after which he reproached a certain logic of journalism for which “everything has to be known and be the title of a portal within two minutes”.
“Fake news harms democracy”Gabriela Ceruti
Regarding the series of meetings that Alberto Fernández, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Sergio Massa have held in recent weeks, he remarked that “it is very good” that this happens regularly because -he said- these are “important political figures” and “they must have a dialogue with a certain confidentiality and then what needs to be told is told, when there are conclusions”.
In an interview with CNN Radio, the spokeswoman assured that in the context of “so much complexity” that the planet is going through from the war “you don’t know what will happen to the world economy tomorrow” and insisted that these circumstances “impact us due to trade relations”, warning about the gas and electricity cuts that Europe is already experiencing.
“I do not mention it as an excuse, it is important to be aware of what is happening,” he exhorted, and called for “handling with serenity” in the face of this scenario, a recommendation that he directed to all the actors of Argentine society because -he insisted- ” The situation is very complex in a world where the economy is going to get worse, according to the Europeans themselves, who expect the worst to come in their winter”.
On the other hand, regarding the popular demonstrations that have taken place in recent days, Cerruti considered that “they express a discomfort of a certain sector that the Government listens to” and in the same sense added: “They also express the view of these groups about what should be done and what measures should be taken and some of them are being taken and others are being evaluated”.
When asked about the possibility of the Government granting a bonus by decree to increase wages and compensate for price increases, the spokeswoman replied: “Nothing is ruled out. Any measure that may be necessary is ruled out. But don’t turn this into ‘there’s going to be a bonus’ for me. I’m just saying it’s not ruled out.”
Faced with these issues, the official stressed that the joint ventures are in operation, that many negotiations “were reopened two months ago” and that “the agreements are being fulfilled”, to then list measures such as the implementation of “an income reinforcement, the Anses bonus” or that “the meeting of the (Council of) the Minimum Wage” has been anticipated.
Furthermore, he recalled that the Food Card covers “a huge number of families who can have access to food” and he stressed that “social policies are central to the Government”, a premise that he associated with the characteristics of the management of the Front for All which, he pointed out, “apart from seeking employment, it needs to guarantee distribution.”
Regarding the initiatives of a social nature that are being debated in Parliament, he said that the Government is analyzing these types of policies “with the leaders of Congress” because they are projects that “have to come out” by law, and in that category included the unexpected income project, which he described as “a very important contribution that we are waiting for”.
On that point, as I had done at Thursday’s press conference at Casa Rosada, iHe insisted on the need for Congress to “debate and approve the unexpected income law because it is a very important contribution that we are waiting for”.
“It is something that has to do with the extraordinary profits of companies in certain sectors that are profiting more from a special situation and not because they have invested more but because the war is favoring them,” Cerruti argued.
And in relation to the immediate economic situation, he questioned the “sensation of uncertainty, vertigo and anguish” that he attributed to the permanent publication of the value of the blue dollar, a practice that he considered “not innocent” but a premeditated action that seeks to direct the economy.
“You have to constantly think about the meaning of your publication. It is not innocent that this is done, but they are trying to make the economy go that way,” he described, and then narrowed down: “The blue dollar can be a thermometer of some things that are happening, but it is also a thermometer of what some want to see happen.
Also, He wondered why the price of the blue dollar is permanently disseminated when it is bought “in secret, without declaring, anonymously” and in this sense, he stated that the media does not publish “how much a wheel costs at a dealer of stolen auto parts.”
Lastly, in relation to his role as spokesperson, Cerruti claimed to have pointed out that the promotion of false news -or fake news- with the intention of influencing the public agenda “harms democracy”and also mentioned a press conference ten days ago, in which a journalist asked him about the functioning of the Government and the institutions.
“I respectfully told her what I thought, she (by journalist Silvia Mercado) asked the question she thought she had to ask. They went from asking for a press conference to now want to tell me how I have to respond. They want me say what I have to answer and how it seems to me an exaggeration”, he deepened.