The CEP Survey published this Wednesday a report on the perceptions, attitudes and expectations of those who live in the Biobío, Araucanía, Los Ríos and Los Lagos regions. The survey revealed that the alternative with the greatest adherence to compensate the Mapuche people was land restitution.
When asked: “Of the alternatives that appear on this list, how do you think the State should repair or compensate the Mapuche people?”, 30% of the Mapuche people surveyed showed their support for land restitution. 26% of non-Mapuche people expressed the same preference.
In second place was the constitutional recognition of the Mapuche people (19% of Mapuche people and 22% non-Mapuche), and in third place, improving their access to quality education (17% and 17%).
The survey sample corresponds to a total of 2,915 people interviewed in their homes, of which 1,374 define themselves as Mapuche and 1,541 who do not define themselves as Mapuche.
The response rate in original subjects was 60% and data collection took place between February 23 and July 13, 2022.
Peaceful coexistence
To the question “How would you rate the coexistence in your REGION/ZONE? Very peaceful, peaceful, neither peaceful nor violent, violent or very violent”, 38% of the Mapuche people indicated that they are very peaceful or peaceful in their respective region, while 61% expressed the same alternative, but in relation to their area.
Among non-Mapuche people, 33% described that coexistence in their region is very peaceful or peaceful, while 52% pointed to the same option, but in their area.
Trust in institutions
Respondents were also asked about their level of trust in a number of institutions. The ones that led were the universities. 59% of the Mapuche expressed a lot or quite a bit of confidence, while 58% of the non-Mapuche indicated the same response.
In second place is the PDI (46% and 50%), in third place the Armed Forces (39% and 40%), in fourth place the Conadi (39% and 22%) and in fifth place Police (38% and 41%).