The consolidated public sector – formed by Union, states, municipalities and state companies – registered, in 2024, a primary deficit of R $ 47.6 billion, which represents 0.4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), today said the Central Bank (BC). The result represents a significant improvement compared to 2023, when the registered deficit was R $ 249.1 billion, equivalent to 2.28% of GDP.
Last December, the public sector registered a primary surplus of R $ 15.7 billion in the consolidated public sector, compared to a deficit of R $ 129.6 billion in December 2023. The improvement is mainly due to the fact that, in 2023, there was the payment of precatory in the order of R $ 92.4 billion.
“In December, the central government and state -owned companies were surplus, in order, at R $ 26.7 billion and R $ 1 billion, while regional governments registered a deficit of R $ 12 billion,” the BC said.
The agency also informed that, by 2024, the nominal interest of the consolidated public sector, appropriate by the competence criterion, reached R $ 950.4 billion (8.05% of GDP), compared to R $ 718.3 billion (6.56 % of GDP) by 2023.
Last December, nominal interest rates reached R $ 96.1 billion, compared to R $ 63.9 billion in December 2023. The monetary authority said the result of operations of operations swap Currency, which registered gain of R $ 6.6 billion in December 2023 and loss of R $ 19.9 billion in December 2024, contributed to the result.
Also according to BC, the nominal result of the consolidated public sector, which includes the primary result and appropriate nominal interest, was deficient at R $ 998 billion, representing 8.45% of the GDP of 2024, compared to R $ 967, 4 billion (8.84% of GDP) by 2023. In December, the nominal deficit reached R $ 80.4 billion compared to R $ 193.4 billion in December of the previous year.
Already the net debt of the public sector (DLSP) was R $ 7.2 trillion in 2024, equivalent to 61.1% of GDP. The annual elevation of 0.7 pp of the GDP is due to the appropriate nominal interest, which recorded an increase of 8.0 pp; The primary deficit, which was 0.4 pp, debt recognition, the effect of currency devaluation of 27.9% in the year.
They also influenced the adjustments of net foreign debt (-0.3 pp), the effect of privatization (-0.3 pp) and nominal GDP growth (-4.4 pp).
Regarding the Gross Government Debt (DBGG) – which comprises the federal government, the INSS and the state and municipal governments – the result reached 76.1% of GDP, being $ 9 trillion in 2024.