Veedores del Censo alertan que se afectó el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, a los objetivos del bicentenario y plantean 4 ejes

Census observers warn that the National Development Plan was affected, the bicentennial objectives and propose 4 axes

July 13, 2022, 10:58 PM

July 13, 2022, 10:58 PM

The postponement of the Census until 2024 it will affect several areas, such as the international commitments of the State; the objectives of the National Development Plan (PND) and the tasks for the Bicentennial, formulated the organization #CensoInformado, which works as an overseer of this process. He also raised tasks in four axes that the Government should adopt.

“The postponement brings with it a delay in the evaluation of compliance with the Sustainable Development objectives that the State assumed before the international communityas well as the execution of the Economic and Social Development Plan with a view to the Bicentennial, and thus also delays the application of new national, departmental and municipal public policies”, the entity warned.

On Tuesday, the National Council of Autonomies (CNA), made up of the central and subnational governments, determined the postponement of the national survey until the first half of 2024 given the impossibility of applying the work in November of this yearas originally planned.

Through a statement, #CensoInformado raised the fulfillment of four axes as tasks that must be developed at this time: strengthen the institutionality of the INE, cartographic updating, a public access calendar, and public accountability.

In the first case they warned that it should be designate authorities that have stability and independence to work on the Census; in the second point they warned that cartographic update that the INE was carrying out may be outdated until 2024, and therefore, the work carried out could be unsuccessful.

“To ensure the right of citizen access to information, it is essential to have planning for all the stages of the Census, which includes an unrestricted public access calendar”, indicates the third point of the document. He ends by recalling that the country received money from international organizations and therefore, this Census will be paid for by the Bolivians themselvesthen they demand adequate public rendering of accounts regarding these resources.

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