Home Central americaPanama Celebrate Down Syndrome Day by going back to school to thank your teachers

Celebrate Down Syndrome Day by going back to school to thank your teachers

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He achieved a bachelor’s degree in Commerce, a gold medal in 100 meter flat athletics, a lover of painting and as if this were not enough, he successfully ventured into cycling.

Celebrate Down Syndrome Day by going back to school to thank your teachers

Raúl Ender thanks his teachers. Photo: Rolando Espinoza

Raúl Ender, a 22-year-old young man from Colon, was born with Down Syndrome and today to celebrate the international day of this disability, he decided to return to educational centers to surprise his teachers and professors who taught him not to give up.

He achieved a bachelor’s degree in Commerce, a gold medal in 100 meter flat athletics, a lover of painting and as if this were not enough, he successfully ventured into cycling.

Teacher Zuleyka De Cerezo with tears in her eyes said that she received him as a child on the first day of class and called him Raúl sinlimites for his talent and dedication.

For his mother, Nirma Ballesteros, the surprise for the teachers was an initiative by Raúl, who was moved to see his primary and secondary teachers.

Raúl Ender a story of a successful colonense who proves every day that Down Syndrome is not a barrier.

Information from Rolando Espinoza.

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