The Center for Agricultural and Forestry Development (CEDAF), has trained 363 professionals from the Ministry of Agriculture on the extension methodology called Farmers’ Field School (ECA), considered the most modern tool for generating knowledge for technicians and agricultural producers.
The affirmation is made by Santiago Tejada, president of the Board of Directors of the CEDAFwho says that by 2023 that institution seeks to train the universe of agricultural technicians in the country in ECA to “continue contributing to the strengthening of the sustainable development of this sector.”
In a note sent to the media, Tejada indicates that of those trained, 314 are men and 49 women, “who are now ECA facilitators with the responsibility of transferring knowledge and technologies to producers through this methodology.”
It reports that as a result of these trainings, Agriculture and CEDAF have installed seven (7) pilot ECAs, five (5) agricultural ones in the Santiago, Duarte and Peravia provinces, and two (2) aquaculture ones in the Barahona and Bahoruco provinces, the latter in coordination with CODOPESCA.
He maintains that with the ECAs installed some 153 producers have benefited, 86 of which correspond to men and 67 to women, most of the latter belonging to the aquaculture ECAs.
The note indicates that in the area of training, CEDAF maintains an enrollment of five scholarship holders studying Ecology and Environmental Management at the ISA University in Santiago; two (2) in Agronomy, at the same University, and two (2) in Software Engineering, at ITLA.
“In 2023 we will continue to strengthen our Human Resources Training Program for the Agricultural Sector,” Santiago Tejada states in the note.