A request for a review by the Senate Constitution and Justice Committee postponed today (17) the vote on a draft Legislative Decree (PDL) 508/2019 calling for a plebiscite on the creation of the State of Tapajós. The rapporteur of the proposal, senator Plínio Valério (PSDB-AM) presented a favorable opinion on the realization of the popular consultation, which, if approved, must be carried out with the population of Pará.
With the postponement, the project should be voted on by the collegiate next week. The legislation says that the plebiscite is called by means of a legislative decree, by proposal of at least one third of the members that make up any of the Houses, in the National Congress. The bill needs to be voted on in the Chamber and Senate. Once approved, the text becomes a legislative decree.
The proposal says that the state of Tapajós will be created from the division of the state of Pará, with 43.15%, totaling 538,049 km². The text says that if created, the new state will have around two million inhabitants and, initially, 23 municipalities, located to the west of the current state, including Santarém.
In addition to Santarém, the municipalities of Alenquer, Almeirim, Aveiro, Belterra, Brasil Novo, Curuá, Faro, Itaituba, Jacareacanga, Juruti, Medicilândia, Mojuí dos Campos, Monte Alegre, Novo Progresso, Óbidos, Oriximiná, Placas would also be part of the new state. , Prainha, Rurópolis, Terra Santa, Trairão and Uruará.
The text also says that, if approved, a plebiscite will take place simultaneously with the general or municipal elections that follow the approval of the Legislative Decree. It will be up to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) to issue a resolution with the rules of the referendum.