The heavy rainfall registered in the last hours in the Piura region They have caused the flooding of several rooms in the Santa Rosa and Cayetano Heredia hospitals.
The damage in the santa rosa hospital due to the rains they are increasing, so the attention of the Ministry of Health is urgent to mitigate and take immediate actions to avoid harm to patients.
The director of the hospital, Luz Martínez, specified that in addition to the rains, the intense heat generates discomfort in the user population due to the lack of fans or air conditioning that patients require.
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Meanwhile, at the Cayetano Heredia hospital, the flooding of its rooms was also reported. Even the patients were on their stretchers that were filled with water. The nurses used plastic bags as boots to care for the sick.
It was learned that after the flooding of the Medicine III hospitalization area of the Cayetano Heredia Hospital, the patients have been referred to other areas,
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