At the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, MIDES and INAU opened a space for child care The Ministry of Social Development (MIDES), the Institute for Children and Adolescents of Uruguay (INAU), through its
The session of the Congress of Mayors will be held this Thursday 22nd in Montevideo with a broad agenda on the case of driving licenses based on points, irregular settlements and debt
The Broad Front, like the other parties, is preparing its lists for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. If the Frente Amplio wins the elections, the first place reserved in the
Cancer and circulatory diseases are the main causes of death in Uruguay in 2023 The MSP reported that there are about 14,000 new cases of malignant tumors and 8,200 deaths from malignant
Gustavo Penadés in a file photo with fellow PN legislators, such as Gloria Rodríguez. A case that has captured public attention in recent months is the indictment of a non-police public official
There are changes that will come into effect in the coming days and MIDES is working on their implementation. The compulsory hospitalisation regime will be implemented starting this week, after Parliament approved
The now called Republican Coalition – previously the Multicolor Coalition – made up of Blancos, Colorados, Cabildantes and Nuevospacitas, coordinate a joint campaign on the plebiscites of the next election. Representatives of
Unionized workers of the Buquebus company are mobilizing and demanding the restoration of days off and work shifts of 16:00 or 18:00 hours. They are facing a company that has a clean
Graciela Bianchi is an intense Twitter user. In a controversial move, National Party senator Graciela Bianchi admitted to having intentionally spread fake news involving Frente Amplio senator Óscar Andrade. The post, made
The Social Security Bank (BPS) approved in its board of directors a reduction in the interest rates applicable to the social loans it grants, a measure that will take effect starting next