A queue of more than 30 Conaprole tanker trucks waiting to enter Plant No. 8 of the cooperative, in Rodríguezwhile the plant capacity is at full capacity: there are more than 3.2
A 17-year-old teenager was shot to death in the Sayago neighborhood National > ROCKED The young man received six bullet wounds at the intersection of Versalles and Antonio Díaz streets Ines Guimaraens
With the presence of the current Minister of Tourism, Tabaré Viera, the Batllistas Colonia headquarters will be inaugurated (Av. Artigas 530 almost Italy). The inauguration will take place next Thursday 20, at
Uruguayan Foreign Minister, Francisco Bustillo, during his visit to China. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay, Francisco Bustillo, highlighted on Monday the importance of deepening the bilateral relationship between Uruguay and
The fluvial transport company Colonia Express will add a new boat with capacity for 780 passengers and 20 crew members. The catamaran will be baptized as Montevideo Express and its initial destination
A bee attack in the Camino de los Arrayanes area, near Piriápolis in Maldonadoended with a hospitalized man and two dead animals reported the local outlet Maldonado Noticias and confirmed The Observer
This Tuesday the 18th, in an extraordinary session, the Colonia Departmental Board will receive the directors representing the workers and liabilities, at the Banco de Previsión Social (BPS), Ramón Ruiz and Ariel
This Monday, April 17, marks International Entrepreneurship Day. The objective of this day is to make visible and promote entrepreneurship throughout the planet. Entrepreneurs are people who devise and develop business proposals
The senator of the Colorado Party (PC) Adrián Peña responded to the former candidate for the Presidency, Pedro Bordaberry, who said that the party should not accept the changes that Cabildo Abierto
Lorena Ponce de León accompanied Lacalle Pou to the Minas y Abril festival National > Lavalleja “We attended the 36th edition of the Minas y Abril festival in Lavalleja, where a tribute