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Paraguay - Page 208

Paraguay news
Hoy Paraguay

Gay teen suicide shocks France

“This minor should not have died (…) Justice must clarify the homophobic circumstances of this drama,” French ambassador for LGTB+ rights, Jean-Marc Berthon, told France Inter radio this Friday. Lucas committed suicide
January 13, 2023
Enzo Cardozo will keep house arrest

Enzo Cardozo will keep house arrest

House arrest is granted to Enzo Cardozo, minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), during the Fernando Lugo government and current Mercosur parliamentarian. The Sentencing Court complied with the provisions
January 13, 2023
the oceans are warming

the oceans are warming

In summers like the Paraguayan even reading or hearing the word “hot” already produces heat. A sensation that we earthlings cannot imagine that can exist in the water because in this season
January 13, 2023
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